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Pirate Husky

Have you ever dreamt about living in a place making leaving for holiday unnecessary? Welcome to us! Here in our little paradise we are happy to bring you on an activity, be it by dog sled, kayak or hiking. We have all sort of activities suitable for most people, both in Børselv in Porsanger, and in Hammerfest.

In the land of the midnight sun and northern lights, we are living close to nature, surrounded by strong cultures, and together with our pack of 30 Siberian Huskies.

Our activities is also well adapted to kids and kid families, and we have after school activities for the local children.

Nature surronds us, but also must-see locations as the Porsanger fjord, Silfar Canyon Reinøys (island) and North Cape, not to forget Hammerfest and it’s unique and ancient history, the Royal Polar Bear Club, Seiland and Sørøya, the historical Finnmark Coast.

Kjøp gavekort fra Pirate Husky med Givn
About us

Pirate Husky is a family business. We live and work here in our farm In Børselv, Porsanger. Us, that is me Mali, the musher with wide experience in the travel industry on different locations in Norway. I’m running the project with Porsangerfjorden Lodge, and work with selling travel experiences. My husband, Gøran, the handyman, operating the excavator, building sleds, guiding, fixing and repairing, engaged in rescue and security, and product development. We also have three kids in the family, toughest Ruth has been mushing since she was 5 years old, she plays football, plays the flute, and is the very best big sister. Ronja, our bolt of energy, with no fear and a big smile. And the youngest Sigrid, following her sisters close to learn every little trick.

We are all here to welcome you to Pirate Husky.


Please don't hesitate to reach out for more information
or if you have any questions.


+47 453 80 189


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The Guides


Even if I’m originally from Germany, I grew up with a lot of outdoor sports and expeditions in the arctic. Since I was a small kid, I’ve been interested in dogsledding and dreaming of becoming a musher. After I moved to Norway, I got my first dog from Pirate Husky, and ended up working here as a guide and handler. I’m still in High School but spent almost all my weekends and holidays with Mali, Gøran and the dogs. I’m also the right hand of Mali, helping with bookings and other when it's too much to do in the office.


Often guests’ ask me how it happened, that this young guy ended up in Finnmark. Well, it’s a long story of coincidences, but here is the short story. In Summer 2021 I finished the school and Covid had a big impact on the School/University in Germany, so my girlfriend and I decided to make new experiences 1 year in another country. Long story short, girlfriend likes dogs and I like Sweden, so we ended up on a Husky farm in North of Sweden. We fell in love with the Huskies and the Winter wonder land. It was as well so nice to get in contact with so many different people from different countries. After one year of living a dream, it was of course hard to think about university, and I could not decide for a subject either, I thought why not working as that what I learned in the last season working as a Guide in Scandinavia. And that’s how I ended up in Finnmark and Pirate Husky. Now I also have my own puppy, Talvi, that you might meet when you go on a tour with me.


Hey, my name is Jonathan. I am an adventure guy and like to be and work outside. I moved and started to work here because I really love dogs and was looking for a big new adventure. I started as a handler, taking care of the dogs and help sometimes out as a guide. Now I am the technical responsible guide, so I get to do a lot of different work as well as guiding. I am the right hand of Gøran and help him with everything around the kennel and the farm.

Our Dogs

čahkki 18.11.2020

čahkki is Máddins doughter, and is a bomb shell of energy! Fantastic girl with a lot of mood, taking of in all directions when going out with the dog team. She is also an expert in escaping from the dog yard, and therefor lives toghether with čeaskat, where there is a roof both inside and out. She is Nele's dog.

čeaskat 05.04.2019

čeaskat might be small, but there is a lot of dog in that small body. She is also from Hamar and Vikerkollen Kennel, and is our excpert in breaking away from the kennel, and we have roof on our dog yard because of her. She is really hard working on the team, and a command lead dog. With her loads of energy, she always gives a 100%. We are hoping to breed her sometime soon.

Gabba 31.08.2019

Gabba is the doughter of Vanilla and Koda, and is an amazing kind and cuddely missy. She is also a good lead dog, as long as she does not see anyone she wants to recieve some cuddles from. She has had one puppie littre, and two of her sons lives here with us.

Lávlla 23.03.2022

Calmer than her sister, but just as fond of cuddles and attention. She is named after her brother "Lávllu" that lived with us for year and a half, we actually traded back him, for this little cutie. Really happy with our trad so far.

Lulli 23.03.2022

You can hear Lulli before you see her. And what you hear is a cry for more, more attention, more cuddles, and more food, even if she has plenty of all. She is from Trysil, hens the name "south", and siblings with Lávlla, Siellu and also Árktalas, just from another littre. There is a lot of good lead dogs in their ancestors, we have good faith they will be too.

Máddin 14.10.2018

Máddin is as the name says, from the south. That is from Vikerkollen Kennel in Hamar, and she was a house warming gift to me, from me, when moving from Svalbard to Finnmark. She is a diva, and a princess, but an amazing sled dog and command leader. Kind, calm and cuddely. She has had one puppy littre, and three of her kids lives here with us.

árktalaš 31.12.2020

When we got the boys from Trysil from Arctic Song's Kennel, we had to name one of them "arctic". He is noisy, but runs like the wind, effordless and as he has never done anything else his whole life. And if you scratch him behind his ears, you have a friend for life.

Charlie 31.08.2019

Charlie is also Ruth's dog, and he is all about the fun. He is a really good sled dog, can og anywhere on the dog team, good lead dog and hoping to train him as a command leader. A lot of energy, and always happy.

Daŋas 16.10.2018

From the "Pirate-litter", we have Daŋas, only beaten by his mother and brother when it comes to being the calmest dogs in the pack. He is a big "allarounder", that can run in all positions on the team, hard worker, friendly and very cuddely.

Davvin 18.11.2020

Named after his mum from the south, Màddin, Davvin got his name because it means "from the north". He is calmer than his siblings, but still a boy with energy. Playfull, joyfull, and loves a good belly rub.

Doalli 16.10.2018

The king himself, or at least, the king in the kennel. Doalli is a calm guy, as long as no one tries to mess with him. He loves relaxing on the ceiling of his house, and watching over the pack. He can run anywhere on the dog team, and with his size and strength you will notice him on the team. He also loves people, kids, and cuddles.

Gumpe 10.11.2021

Gumpe, or "wolf", is named after his father Návdi, and is Ronja's first dog. He is curious and social, and we are hoping he will be as an amazing dog as his father is with time. He is very much like his father was, both inside and out.

Miehta 22.06.2020

The kennel charmur is little Mietha. He is from kennel Huskyville, and is named after his mother "Honning" (honey). And the name fits, he is defently sweet as honey! If you come here to meet Mietha, expect getting your clothes covered in dog hairs, 'cus he want's to be close, and will rub up to you for cuddles. Mietha is a lead dog, and it looks like he will be a good command leader with time. He has had a puppy littre, and his doughter Duoattar lives here with us.

Návdi 20.03.2019

Our little wolf is actually named "Bark", and comes from Vikerkollen Kennel in Hamar. He is our best command leader amongst the boys, and an amazing sled dog. He would love to keep running, and not go home after a sled run. He has two puppie litters, and if he keeps shining, it might be more.

Pus 21.03.2019

Pus (Cat) got his name from Linus, when Linus was only 2 years old, and ask to name the dog. He is originally from Vikerkollen Kennel, but grew up in Svalbard, before he moved to Børselv summer 2021. He is a bit shy with strangers, but as a kittycat for the once he knows. Good sled dog, and can go anywhere in the dog team.

Sarvvis 10.11.2021

Sarvvis is calmer then his brother Gumpe, but still good, social and eager, and just looooooves food.

Siellu 23.03.2022

With his ice blue eyes, Siellu got his name 'cus you can see into his soul. Kindness is what you see. He is a lot calmer than his big brother Árktalas, and we are eager to see if he will be as good a sled dog.

Vieljaš 31.08.2019

Vieljaš is mamas good boy! He is such a good heart dog, he loves cuddles, and loves working on the dog team. He can also go in front, and with his big size, we defently know when he is on the team. We tried mating him, but he does not seem to get how that works.. We really belive in this "littlebrother", who for mum is a through copy of his dad, Koda.

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